European Union hashtags offer

This page introduces systematically defined hashtags for local government units in Malta.

#tagcoding hashtags cover another four topic dimensions:

All those hashtags can be localized by adding the country's ISO 3166 country code, which is MT. For instance:

  • #sdg1MT for the goal "Ending poverty in all its forms in Malta".
  • #isic9101MT for the economic activity "Library and archives activities in Malta".
  • #cofog0112MT for the function of government "Financial and fiscal affairs in Malta.

The Actor Atlas page of Malta lists all #sdgMT, #isicMT and #cofogMT hashtags!

Local information and communication channels are essential, yet not trivial via social media.

That's why knowing and using tagcoding hashtags will improve communications in the public sphere of Malta.

Languages of Malta

These are the languages spoken in Malta:

Language ISO 639 code #xy2wiki tag

Tweet: Towards a #DigitalPublicSphere in Malta ? Use #MTtagcoding to share and retrieve facts, data and opinion - #tagcoding.

NUTS 1 in Malta

NUTS 2 in Malta