European Union hashtags offer
This page introduces systematically defined hashtags for local government units in Sweden.
#tagcoding hashtags cover another four topic dimensions:
- the sustainable development goals and targets,
- economic activities,
- functions of government, and
- products and services.
All those hashtags can be localized by adding the country's ISO 3166 country code, which is SE. For instance:
- #sdg1SE for the goal "Ending poverty in all its forms in Sweden".
- #isic9101SE for the economic activity "Library and archives activities in Sweden".
- #cofog0112SE for the function of government "Financial and fiscal affairs in Sweden.
The Actor Atlas page of Sweden lists all #sdgSE, #isicSE and #cofogSE hashtags!
- #EUlgu #tagcoding hashtags for NUTS 1 areas
- #EUlgu #tagcoding hashtags for NUTS 2 areas
- #EUlgu #tagcoding hashtags for NUTS 3 areas
- Data on Sweden at OECD
Local information and communication channels are essential, yet not trivial via social media.
That's why knowing and using tagcoding hashtags will improve communications in the public sphere of Sweden.
Languages of Sweden
These are the languages spoken in Sweden:
Language | ISO 639 code | #xy2wiki tag |
These are the subdivisions of Sweden with their #SElgu (#WWlgu) hashtag.
Region | #SElgu Tag | |
Stockholm | #SE11 | |
Stockholms län | #SE110 | data atlas |
Oestra Mellansverige | #SE12 | |
Uppsala län | #SE121 | data atlas |
Södermanlands län | #SE122 | data atlas |
Östergötlands län | #SE123 | data atlas |
Örebro län | #SE124 | data atlas |
Västmanlands län | #SE125 | data atlas |
Småland med öarna | #SE21 | |
Jönköpings län | #SE211 | data atlas |
Kronobergs län | #SE212 | data atlas |
Kalmar län | #SE213 | data atlas |
Gotlands län | #SE214 | data atlas |
Sydsverige | #SE22 | |
Blekinge län | #SE221 | data atlas |
Skåne län | #SE224 | data atlas |
Västsverige | #SE23 | |
Hallands län | #SE231 | data atlas |
Västra Götalands län | #SE232 | data atlas |
Norra Mellansverige | #SE31 | |
Värmlands län | #SE311 | data atlas |
Dalarnas län | #SE312 | data atlas |
Gävleborgs län | #SE313 | data atlas |
Mellersta Norrland | #SE32 | |
Västernorrlands län | #SE321 | data atlas |
Jämtlands län | #SE322 | data atlas |
Övre Norrland | #SE33 | |
Västerbottens län | #SE331 | data atlas |
Norrbottens län | #SE332 | data atlas |
NUTS 1, NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 codes have been defined in Commission Delegated Regulation 2019/1755 of 8 August 2019 amending the Annexes to Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS).