#isic1610EU - Sawmilling and planing of wood in the EU.

Check the class, group or division definition and the CPC correspondences at #isic1610EU - Sawmilling and planing of wood (Ens Wiki), or via the language flags and links at the top right corner of this screen.

Share or search using the related #isic1610 tag for each EU member state:
Austria #isic1610AT
Belgium #isic1610BE
Bulgaria #isic1610BG
Croatia #isic1610HR
Cyprus #isic1610CY
Czech Republic #isic1610CZ
Denmark #isic1610DK
Estonia #isic1610EE
Finland #isic1610FI
France #isic1610FR
Germany #isic1610DE
Greece #isic1610GR
Hungary #isic1610HU
Ireland #isic1610IE
Italy #isic1610IT
Latvia #isic1610LV
Lithuania #isic1610LT
Luxembourg #isic1610LU
Malta #isic1610MT
Netherlands #isic1610NL
Poland #isic1610PL
Portugal #isic1610PT
Romania #isic1610RO
Slovak Republic #isic1610SK
Slovenia #isic1610SI
Spain #isic1610ES
Sweden #isic1610SE
(United Kingdom) #isic1610GB

#tagcoding hashtag: #isic1610EU