#isic4651EU - Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software
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- Also under #EU88G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
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- European or national debate?
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#isic4651EU - Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software in the EU.
Check the class, group or division definition and the CPC correspondences at #isic4651EU - Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software (Ens Dictionary), or via the language flags and links at the top right corner of this screen.
Share or search using the related #isic4651 tag for each EU member state:
Austria | #isic4651AT |
Belgium | #isic4651BE |
Bulgaria | #isic4651BG |
Croatia | #isic4651HR |
Cyprus | #isic4651CY |
Czech Republic | #isic4651CZ |
Denmark | #isic4651DK |
Estonia | #isic4651EE |
Finland | #isic4651FI |
France | #isic4651FR |
Germany | #isic4651DE |
Greece | #isic4651GR |
Hungary | #isic4651HU |
Ireland | #isic4651IE |
Italy | #isic4651IT |
Latvia | #isic4651LV |
Lithuania | #isic4651LT |
Luxembourg | #isic4651LU |
Malta | #isic4651MT |
Netherlands | #isic4651NL |
Poland | #isic4651PL |
Portugal | #isic4651PT |
Romania | #isic4651RO |
Slovak Republic | #isic4651SK |
Slovenia | #isic4651SI |
Spain | #isic4651ES |
Sweden | #isic4651SE |
(United Kingdom) | #isic4651GB |
#tagcoding hashtag: #isic4651EU |