#cofog09EU - Education
COFOG division description via #cofog09EU - Education (division) (Ens.wiki).
In French: #cofog09EU - Education (fr2.wiki)
In Spanish: #cofog09EU - Education (http://es2.wiki)
The division includes these classes:
- #cofog0911EU - Pre-primary education (IS)
- #cofog0912EU - Primary education (IS)
- #cofog0921EU - Lower-secondary education (IS)
- #cofog0922EU - Upper-secondary education (IS)
- #cofog0930EU - Post-secondary non-tertiary education (IS)
- #cofog0941EU - First stage of tertiary education (IS)
- #cofog0942EU - Second stage of tertiary education (IS)
- #cofog0950EU - Education not definable by level (IS)
- #cofog0960EU - Subsidiary services to education (IS)
- #cofog0970EU - R&D Education (CS)
- #cofog0980EU - Education n.e.c. (CS)