Top Bar Menu
- #EUlgu - #GBlgu?
- Austria - #ATlgu
- Belgium - #BElgu
- Bulgaria - #BGlgu
- Croatia - #HRlgu
- Cyprus - #CYlgu
- Czech Republic - #CZlgu
- Denmark - #DKlgu
- Estonia - #EElgu
- Finland - #FIlgu
- France - #FRlgu
- Germany - #DElgu
- Greece - #GRlgu
- Hungary - #HUlgu
- Ireland - #IElgu
- Italy - #ITlgu
- Latvia - #LVlgu
- Lithuania - #LTlgu
- Luxembourg - #LUlgu
- Malta - #MTlgu
- Netherlands - #NLlgu
- Poland - #PLlgu
- Portugal - #PTlgu
- Romania - #ROlgu
- Slovak Republic - #SKlgu
- Slovenia - #SIlgu
- Spain - #ESlgu
- Sweden - #SElgu
- United Kingdom - #GBlgu
- #SDGs
- #sdgEU
- #SDG1EU - End poverty
- #SDG2EU - Food security
- #SDG3EU - Health
- #SDG4EU - Education
- #SDG5EU - Gender equality
- #SDG6EU - Water & sanitation
- #SDG7EU - Modern energy
- #SDG8EU - Employment
- #SDG9EU - Resilient infrastructure
- #SDG10EU - Reduce inequality
- #SDG11EU - Cities & human settlements
- #SDG12EU - Sustainable consumption & production
- #SDG13EU - Combat climate change
- #SDG14EU - Oceans, seas & marine resources
- #SDG15EU - Terrestrial ecosystems
- #SDG16EU - Accountable & inclusive institutions
- #SDG17EU - Implementation & global partnership
- economy
- Sector Maps
- A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- B - Mining and quarrying
- C - Manufacturing
- D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
- F - Construction
- G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- H - Transportation and storage
- I - Accommodation and food service activities
- J – Information and communication
- K - Financial and insurance activities
- L - Real estate activities
- M - Professional, scientific and technical activities
- N - Administrative and support service activities
- O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- P - Education
- Q - Human health and social work activities
- R - Arts, entertainment and recreation
- S - Other service activities
- T - Activities of households
- U - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
- governance
- actors
- resources