European Union hashtags offer

The #WWlgu / #PLlgu tag of Makroregion Poludniowo Zachodni is #PL5

Local information and communication channels are essential, yet not trivial via social media.

That's why knowing and using locality hashtags will improve communications in the public sphere of Makroregion Poludniowo Zachodni.

#tagcoding hashtags cover another four topic dimensions:

Tweet: Towards a #DigitalPublicSphere in Makroregion Poludniowo Zachodni ? Use #PL5tagcoding to share and retrieve facts, data and opinion - #tagcoding.

The NUTS2 regions of Makroregion Poludniowo Zachodni, with #EUlgu hashtag:

NUTS2 subdivision #PLlgu #EUlgu tag
Dolnośląskie #PL51
Opolskie #PL52