European Union hashtags offer

#PT11 #PTlgu hashtag for any news about Norte (Continente) (#WWlgu, #EUlgu)

Alto Minho and Official website
Cávado] and Official website
and [ Official website
Área Metropolitana do Porto and Official website
Alto Tâmega and Official website
Tâmega e Sousa and Official website
Douro and Official website
Terras de Trás-os- Montes

#EUlgu #tag clouds
#EUlgu #tagcoding hashtags for NUTS 1 areas Tagcloud
#EUlgu #tagcoding hashtags for NUTS 2 areas Tagcloud
#EUlgu #tagcoding hashtags for NUTS 3 areas Tagcloud

Open data for Norte

The OECD Local Data Portal lets you visualise and compare municipal and local data across 41 countries. With over 100 indicators across 10 key themes — like demography, climate, environment, transport, economy, and more.

NUTS3 of Norte, with #PTlgu hashtags

These are the NUTS3 subdivisions of Norte, with their #PTlgu hashtag:

NUTS3 subdivision #PTlgu #EUlgu tag Municipalities
Alto Minho #PT111
Cávado #PT112
Ave #PT119
Área Metropolitana do Porto #PT11A
Alto Tâmega #PT11B
Tâmega e Sousa #PT11C
Douro #PT11D
Terras de Trás-os- Montes #PT11E