European Union hashtags offer

#GBC2 #GBlgu hashtag for any news about Northumberland and Tyne and Wear (North East England) (#WWlgu, #EUlgu)


#EUlgu #tag clouds
#EUlgu #tagcoding hashtags for NUTS 1 areas Tagcloud
#EUlgu #tagcoding hashtags for NUTS 2 areas Tagcloud
#EUlgu #tagcoding hashtags for NUTS 3 areas Tagcloud

Open data for Northumberland and Tyne and Wear

The OECD Local Data Portal lets you visualise and compare municipal and local data across 41 countries. With over 100 indicators across 10 key themes — like demography, climate, environment, transport, economy, and more.

NUTS3 of Northumberland and Tyne and Wear, with #GBlgu hashtags

These are the NUTS3 subdivisions of Northumberland and Tyne and Wear, with their #GBlgu hashtag:

NUTS3 subdivision #GBlgu #EUlgu tag Municipalities
Northumberland #GBC21
Tyneside #GBC22
Sunderland #GBC23