European Union hashtags offer

#DEE05 #EUlgu hashtag for any news about Anhalt-Bitterfeld (Sachsen Anhalt) (#WWlgu)

#tagcoding in Anhalt-Bitterfeld

#tagcoding means that one uses standardized hashtags to relate online information to specific topics in order to structure it and retrieve it easily.

#tagcoding hashtags cover another four topic dimensions:

Local information and communication channels are essential, yet not trivial via social media.

That's why knowing and using tagcoding hashtags will improve communications in the public sphere of Anhalt-Bitterfeld.

Tweet: Towards a #DigitalPublicSphere in Anhalt-Bitterfeld ? Use #DEE05tagcoding to share and retrieve facts, data and opinion - #tagcoding.

The municipalities in Anhalt-Bitterfeld

Anhalt-Bitterfeld and Official website

Find a nearby public library

Find nearby public libraries 'online' via LibWeb - Library Servers via WWW:Public libraries in Sachsen Anhalt.

More #OpenData about Anhalt-Bitterfeld

Open data for Anhalt-Bitterfeld

The OECD Local Data Portal lets you visualise and compare municipal and local data across 41 countries. With over 100 indicators across 10 key themes — like demography, climate, environment, transport, economy, and more.

Tagcloud with #EUlgu hashtag for other NUTS areas